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2023 Wash100 Awardee Stefanie Tompkins Honored With Commemorative Profile

2023 Wash100 Awardee Stefanie Tompkins Honored With Commemorative Profile

1 min read

On Tuesday, Executive Mosaic honored Stefanie Tompkins – one of the government contracting industry’s strongest leaders – with an in-depth profile detailing the remarkable accomplishments that earned her a spot in the 2023 Wash100 Award class.

This iteration of Wash100 marks the award’s 10th anniversary of highlighting the top tier of GovCon talent. Each year, the achievements of each nominee are carefully weighed to determine which 100 executives will receive the most coveted recognition in the GovCon field.

Tompkins, who currently serves as director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, won her second Wash100 Award for her impactful work to establish and progress technology development initiatives and foster the next generation of scientific talent.

Her dedication to promoting innovation led to the launch of multiple new initiatives, including the Advanced Research Concepts program and the DARPA Innovation Fellowship Program. To read her full profile, click here.

Though today marks the conclusion of Executive Mosaic’s series of celebratory profiles, the Wash100 spirit will continue through April 28 with the exciting annual popular vote contest! Before the competition wraps up, be sure to cast your 10 votes at Wash100.com.