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US & Taiwan Join Forces to Fund Semiconductor R&D Projects

US & Taiwan Join Forces to Fund Semiconductor R&D Projects

1 min read

The U.S. National Science Foundation and the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan have partnered to co-finance six projects focused on advancing the semiconductor industry.

Total funding amounted to $6 million, which will be used to facilitate partnerships between American and Taiwanese researchers and support research and development activities relating to semiconductor chip design and fabrication, NSF said Thursday.

NSF’s Advanced Chip Engineering Design and Fabrication program and NSTC’s Department of Engineering and Technologies will support the projects, which are listed as follows along with the institutions managing them:

  • 240-GHz Energy-efficient CMOS MIMO Radar – University of California, Berkeley
  • Co-design of Novel Electronic-photonic Systems for Energy-efficient Coherent Optical Interconnects – Texas A&M University
  • On-chip CMOS-MEMS Infrared Spectroscopy Systems – University of California, Davis
  • Real-time Optimization of Transceiver Systems – Virginia Tech
  • Runtime Reconfigurable Array Technology for AI/ML – UCLA
  • Ultrafast, low-power AI chip with a new class of MRAM for learning and inference at edge – Stanford University

The collaboration aligns with the Memorandum of Understanding and Implementing Arrangement for Cooperation in Advanced Semiconductor Chip Design and Fabrication between the two nations.