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FDA Seeks Comments on Draft IT Strategy

FDA Seeks Comments on Draft IT Strategy

1 min read

The Food and Drug Administration has started soliciting feedback on specific goals and objectives outlined in its draft information technology strategy.

The FDA Information Technology Strategy has six goals: creating a shared OneFDA ecosystem; strengthening IT infrastructure; modernizing enterprise services and capabilities; sharing data for mission outcomes; adopting artificial intelligence and mission-driven innovations; and cultivating talent and leadership, according to a Federal Register notice published Tuesday.

Under the first goal, the strategy’s objectives include enhancing communication and collaboration, optimizing investments and promoting transparency.

To strengthen IT infrastructure, specific objectives include accelerating cloud adoption, implementing zero trust approach, ensuring service availability and providing flexible infrastructure offerings. 

FDA is asking interested stakeholders to describe how the IT strategy will impact their industry, identify gaps in the strategy’s goals and objectives and state the challenges and risks they foresee in implementing the strategy.

Comments are due Oct. 30.