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New DARPA Program Seeks Electromagnetic Warfare Innovations to Enhance Defenses of Ground Bases

New DARPA Program Seeks Electromagnetic Warfare Innovations to Enhance Defenses of Ground Bases

1 min read

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency seeks to improve the defenses of ground bases and is soliciting proposals for the effort.

The Dynamic Optimization for Defense of Ground Bases with Electromagnetic warfare, or DODGEball, program calls for innovative feedback sensors that would help optimize the countermeasures defending ground bases, according to a program solicitation posted Friday on SAM.gov.

Proposals submissions will take the form of abstracts, which will be evaluated by the government. Chosen proposers will then be invited for an oral presentation, which will also be subject to evaluation. Another round of selection will result in three proposers being given a base other transaction authority award. Of the three, only the most promising solutions will be given extension periods.

Work under the effort will likely involve the development of algorithms, hardware and models. These will then undergo evaluation using a simulation environment.

Interested parties have until April 5 to respond. It should be noted, however, that DODGEball involves accessing Secret-level information. Proposers have until March 8 to request this information.