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USAID Amends Acquisition Regulation to Incorporate New IT Security Contract Clause
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USAID Amends Acquisition Regulation to Incorporate New IT Security Contract Clause

1 min read

The U.S. Agency for International Development has issued a final rule amending its acquisition regulation to incorporate a new contract clause related to information security and IT resources that support the agency’s operations and assets.

The revisions to the USAID Acquisition Regulation, or AIDAR, will take effect on May 20 to provide increased oversight and management of contractors providing IT products and services to the federal government.

Based on industry feedback, the final rule continues to use the definition of IT issued in an Office of Management and Budget memorandum to maintain consistency with OMB guidance and principles for implementing the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act.

To simplify the rule, USAID also consolidated into a single clause the prior two clauses related to a limitation on the acquisition of IT systems and the use of IT approval.

The final “Information Technology Authorization” clause mandates that all agency chief information officers review and approve acquisitions of IT systems and services for use in their organizations.

Once implemented, contracting officers are required to insert the IT Authorization clause in all solicitations and contracts.

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