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Profile: Elana Broitman, DoD Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy

1 min read


Elana Broitman
Elana Broitman

Elena Broitman serves as acting deputy assistant secretary for manufacturing and industrial base policy at the Defense Department, where she is responsible for issues related to the defense industrial base.

Before joining the Pentagon, Broitman spent a decade on the Senate and her time there included service as senior advisor to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

Notably, Broitman wrote and managed cybersecurity provisions  that were included in the National Defense Authorization Act.

Her federal career was also spent serving as counsel to the House International Relations Committee, senior rule of law advisor to USAID’s Europe and newly independent states operations.

Broitman also spent nine years in the private industry before she joined the federal sector, focused on intellectual property and international policy matters at companies such as Pfizer and Register.com.

During her time at Register.com, she testified before the House Commerce and Judiciary Committees regarding intellectual property and Internet policy.