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Lt. Gen. Michael Williamson: Army Acquisition Reform Focuses on Modernization

1 min read

Michael Williamson
Michael Williamson

Lt. Gen. Michael Williamson, principal military deputy to the U.S. Army acquisitions chief, has said that a “whole government” approach and an increased decision-making authority for the services will help efforts to reform defense acquisition.

He told Defense News reporter Jen Judson in an interview published Tuesday that acquisition reform plans should focus on the aspects of mission risk and timeliness to address challenges from adversaries.

Williamson said the service branch will also work on talent management programs that focus on the development of leadership skill sets, as well as on innovation that utilizes existing technologies.

“We are making very hard decisions about modernization versus modification,” he told Defense News.

“[In] some cases, because of our understanding of the threat, it will require us to implement new investment… in other cases, we will be able to take some risk and do some modernization of an existing platform to keep that capability.”