The U.S. Space Force’s Commercial Satellite Communications Office, or CSCO, forecasts $2.3 billion in contracting opportunities for commercial satellite services for fiscal years 2025 and 2026, SpaceNews reported Wednesday. Maneuverable GEO Program
The Government Accountability Office has called on the departments of Defense, Health and Human Services and Homeland Security to employ existing tools to coordinate preparedness and response to a pandemic. Those mechanisms include training exercises,
MoreA new Mitre study says the U.S. Navy needs a fleet size of 414 combat ships that would include 160 destroyers and cruisers, 72 attack submarines and 14 aircraft carriers, Breaking Defense
MoreA subpanel within the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has started a series of hearings to gather ideas on how to facilitate reforms to the civil service system and assess
MoreIsraelâs defense ministry has said defense contractors have earned $1.033 billion in deals related to the Lockheed Martin-built F-35 aircraft since 2010, the Times of Israel reported Sunday. Judah Ari Gross writes
MoreSenate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Arizona) has said Congress might resort to a full-year continuing resolution if President Donald Trump fails to make a budget deal that contains enough funds
MoreCharles Miller, a member of the Trump administrationâs NASA transition team, has said the White House is set to clear a set of memos that would set up three task forces that
MoreThe U.S. Air Force has completed a test flight of the Boeing-built Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile system. The ICBM platform with test re-entry vehicles traveled for approximately 4,200 miles and reached
MoreThree lawmakers have asked the chairs of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee and related subpanels to investigate cybersecurity issues under President Donald Trumpâs administration in next weekâs hearing of the House
MoreThe U.S. Navy will abolish the unmanned warfare systems directorate, OPNAV N99, and integrate several drone programs with domain-based directorates as part of the reorganization of the chief of naval operations office,
MoreThe Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity has launched a new program to develop and test technology platforms that seek to use crowdsourcing to help analysts and decision makers understand and determine whether