The Senate on Monday voted 99-0 to confirm Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., as the current administration’s secretary of state, Reuters reported. Rubio’s confirmation came just hours after President Donald Trump was sworn
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has awarded Airbus a contract to design and build the twin spacecraft for the GRACE-C mission. GRACE-C stands for Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment-Continuity and is a joint
MoreShery Thomas, cyber technology officer and technical director for Marine Corps Cyberspace Command, said network unification is enabling the U.S. Marine Corps to further advance its transition to a zero trust architecture,
MoreThe Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency has begun market research to gather information on industry partners that could provide commercial artificial intelligence tools and capabilities to assist federal contracting and procurement processes.
MoreThe Department of Homeland Security has unveiled a roadmap detailing DHS’ three lines of effort to ensure the safe, trustworthy and secure development and use of artificial intelligence. The lines of effort
MoreDavid Wennergren, CEO of the American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council, said government agencies should identify the opportunities of advancing the adoption of artificial intelligence while addressing a number of
MoreThe General Services Administration has issued an acquisition letter providing contracting officers guidance on payment for software licenses delivered through software-as-a-service. The letter signed Friday by Jeffrey Koses, senior procurement executive at
MoreThe White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has issued a new strategy outlining the goals, needs and actions required in the next five years to strengthen the microelectronics research and
MoreThe U.S. Army hosted a joint and multinational experiment, called Project Convergence-Capstone 4, between February and March to enable warfighters from the U.S. Department of Defense and other countries to test the
MoreThe Department of the Navy has released a memorandum providing information on a framework designed to better assess information technology investment and performance by linking data to mission outcomes. The memo seeks
MoreRadha Plumb, currently deputy under secretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, will take on the role of chief digital and artificial intelligence officer at the Department of Defense on April 8.