The U.S. Space Force’s Commercial Satellite Communications Office, or CSCO, forecasts $2.3 billion in contracting opportunities for commercial satellite services for fiscal years 2025 and 2026, SpaceNews reported Wednesday. Maneuverable GEO Program
The Office of Management and Budget’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has released guidance intended to help agencies design, develop and analyze regulations that foster competition in the marketplace. Developed in partnership
MoreJohn Lee, who most recently served as deputy chief financial officer at the Defense Health Agency, has assumed the position of chief financial officer at DHA. He announced his new role in
MoreElliot Doomes, regional administrator for the General Services Administration’s National Capital Region, will succeed Nina Albert as commissioner of GSA’s Public Buildings Service. Albert, who has been serving as PBS commissioner since
MoreSpace Systems Command has begun accepting applications for a project that seeks to accelerate technological advances in the field of space domain awareness, or SDA. Project Apollo is a collaborative tech accelerator
MoreA Department of Defense-backed Manufacturing Innovation Institute has launched an apprenticeship program to help the DOD maintain its edge over competitors in the field of science and technology and equip the U.S.
MoreThe White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office held a summit in September to discuss ways to create a national network and facilitate access to
MoreChristopher Barnhurst, deputy director of the Defense Information Systems Agency, said DISA should be prepared to deliver information to warfighters worldwide in the event of a conflict and amid cyberattacks by implementing
MoreEric Stein, deputy assistant secretary for the Office of Global Information Services at the State Department, said the department declassified diplomatic cables from late 1997 using artificial intelligence and machine learning, Federal
MoreThe White House Office of Science and Technology Policy held a roundtable to discuss with leaders from patient advocacy groups, academia, health care and industry stakeholders how to safely field artificial intelligence
MoreThe Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency within the Department of Homeland Security plans to release in December a request for proposals for a recompete contract to provide support services for the Joint