Lt. Gen. Arnold Bunch, military deputy to the assistant Air Force secretary for acquisition, has said the service branch has not made a decision on whether to award a sole-source contract to
MoreThe Department of Homeland Security has made progress on its efforts to address acquisition, human capital, information technology and financial management problems across the 22-agency organization, according to a Government Accountability Office report.
MoreAnne Rung, administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, has called for the government to reform the acquisition aspect first in order to improve federal information technology, Spend Matters reported Tuesday.
MoreHouse Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) plans to introduce a bill that seeks to reform the Defense Department‘s processes for acquisitions of weapons systems, Defense News reported Tuesday. Joe Gould writes Thornberry will
MoreThe U.S. Navy has crafted a 30-year shipbuilding plan that indicates the military service can hit or surpass its goal of having 308 combat vessels over a 12-year period, Breaking Defense reported Monday. Sydney
MoreThe Office of Federal Procurement Policy has unveiled a pilot program that seeks to improve the acquisition of digital and technology platforms through skills development among digital acquisitions teams at government agencies. The General
MoreThe U.S. Army wants to implement programs beyond what the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act calls for to reform procurement, requirements determination and budgeting systems across the military service, Defense News reported Thursday. Jed Judson
MoreSome federal agencies have cited a 30-day “cybersecurity sprint” launched in June 2015 to justify noncompetitive information technology contracts they have awarded, Nextgov reported Wednesday. Aliya Sternstein writes the Office of Management
MoreU.S. Chief Acquisition Officer Anne Rung has called on federal agencies to establish laboratories that will help them adopt best practices for buying information technology products and services. She wrote in a blog article published Wednesday an agency Acquisition
MoreJennifer Walsmith, senior acquisition executive at the National Security Agency, has said NSA has started to establish a “Skunk Works” or rapid innovation office in an effort to introduce novel approaches to its acquisition process,