The Defense Threat Reduction Agency plans to launch a competition for the fourth iteration of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Integrating Contract. Through CTRIC IV, DTRA intends to facilitate the procurement and delivery
MoreBlackSky Technology will transition its artificial intelligence-enabled software platform to the third phase of SMART, or the Space-based Machine Automated Recognition Technique program, through a contract with the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects
MoreBooz Allen Hamilton has received a potential $38.4 million Aviation Safety Reporting System and Related Systems contract from NASA to manage and run the agency’s incident reporting programs and continue development to
MoreThe Department of Defense has awarded two contracts worth $49 million combined to Micross Components and the government of Osceola County in Florida to improve packaging capacity and capabilities for semiconductors used
MoreCRDF Global has been selected to participate in a U.S. Department of State program. Under prime contractor Valiant, CRDF Global will support a Somalia-based initiative overseen by the department’s Bureau of Counterterrorism, the Arlington, Virginia-based
MoreMattermost recently won a U.S. Air Force Small Business Innovation Research Phase II award intended to enhance low-bandwidth tactical ChatOps. The project is intended to optimize distributed collaboration and improve warfighter efficiency, safety and
MoreFacilities services government contractor J&J Worldwide Services has officially begun work on a four-year contract from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for operations and maintenance duties at Alexander T. Augusta Military Medical
MoreNationwide IT Services, a Fairfax, Virginia-based information technology company, has won a potential five-year, $149.6 million task order from the U.S. Air Force for support services to the Assistant Secretary for the
MoreVTG has secured a $40 million U.S. Navy task order to support the service branch’s Aegis Combat System. The award was issued through VTG’s Technical Insertion 16 (TI16) prime contract with the Naval
MoreTetra Tech has secured a contract from the U.S. Agency for International Development to support conservation efforts in Cambodia. Under the $24 million award, the company will work to protect biodiversity, conserve natural resources