The Department of Defense (DoD) has established a new task force led by Dana Deasy, DoD chief information officer and a 2020 Wash100 Award winner, to help address teleworking-related challenges amid the
MoreThe Department of Defense is seeking legislative approval to allow some of its programs and budgetary allocations stated in the five-year Future Years Defense Program to remain classified, Defense News reported Saturday.
MoreJason Abend, senior policy adviser at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, will be nominated by President Trump as inspector general at the Department of Defense, the White House announced Friday.
MoreThe Department of Defense (DoD) has assigned the National Institute of Standard and Technology to help create requirements for independent assessors under the department’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program, FedScoop reported Wednesday.
MoreThe Department of Defense (DoD) is asking Congress to cancel the statutory requirement to develop an unclassified version of the Future Years Defense Program, the Federation of American Scientists reported Monday. DoD offers its
MoreThe Department of Defense (DoD) is coordinating with national security organizations and commercial entities as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency prepares to conclude its research and development program for space situational awareness
MoreThe Government Accountability Office has found that while the Department of Defense made progress in implementing recommendations for improving its nuclear program reviews, the department is yet to deploy key tracking tools
MoreTy Schieber, chairman of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification accreditation board, said the Department of Defense has granted the nonprofit group formal authority to select third-party assessment organizations that will audit companies' CMMC compliance, FedScoop
MoreEllen Lord, undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment and 2020 Wash100 Award winner, has established a joint task force to handle the Department of Defense’s influx of requests for medical and personal
MoreLt. Gen. Jack Shanahan, director of the Department of Defense’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) and a 2020 Wash100 Award winner, said JAIC is in discussions with the National Guard Bureau and U.S.