Stephen Streiffer, interim director and vice president of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, has been appointed director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. UT-Battelle, which operates ORNL for the Department of Energy, chose
MoreFormer Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has been nominated as commissioner of the Social Security Administration. President Joe Biden announced the nomination on Tuesday, citing O’Malley’s 16 years in public service as adequate
MoreSenate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray, D-Wash., and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., cleared Phillip Swagel to serve four more years as director of the Congressional Budget Office. Swagel, who started his
MorePresident Joe Biden has nominated Lt. Gen. Christopher Mahoney, deputy commandant for programs and resources at the U.S. Marine Corps, for promotion to the rank of general and to serve as the
MorePresident Biden has nominated Gen. David Allvin, vice chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force since 2020, to serve as the service branch’s next chief of staff. If confirmed, Allvin would
MorePresident Biden has nominated Jon Holladay, a specialist leader at Deloitte Consulting since 2017, to serve as chief financial officer of the Department of Agriculture. Holladay held the position during the Obama
MoreDerek Chollet, counselor of the Department of State, has been nominated as Department of Defense undersecretary for policy. The nomination was announced by President Joe Biden and sent to the Senate on
MoreNisha Morris, a marketing and communications executive, has been appointed chief of strategic communications and senior executive adviser to the board of directors at the National Security Agency. She will manage NSA’s
MoreThe Department of Defense appointed three assistant secretaries and eight deputy assistant secretaries, who will take on the responsibilities previously assumed by the deputy chief technology officer. DOD said Monday the new
MoreCIA Director and Wash100 Award winner William Burns has been appointed to the White House Cabinet. In a statement issued Friday, President Joe Biden acknowledged the impact of Burns’ leadership on the