The Government Accountability Office has said the Office of Management and Budget should identify and publicly-report mandatory budget cuts in each fiscal year through 2025 in an effort to give Congress transparency and support required sequestration cuts
MoreThe U.S. Army Installation Management Command reported that the number of participants in its annual Cyber Installation Support Summit has expanded since its first installment in 2014. Lt. Gen. Kenneth Dahl and Maj. Gen. Lawarren Patterson
MorePhyllis Schneck, deputy undersecretary at the Department of Homeland Security for cybersecurity and communications, has said DHS is ready to help secure federal networks with the National Cybersecurity Protection System, Fedscoop reported Thursday. Greg Otto
MoreDoug Loverro, deputy assistant secretary for space policy at the Defense Department, has said DoD has started to update its space policies in an effort to protect and make military satellites resilient
MoreAlec Ross, a former senior adviser for innovation at the State Department, has said the U.S. should consider working with other countries to establish a treaty that will govern cyberwarfare, FedTech reported Wednesday. Phil Goldstein
MoreThe Defense Spectrum Organization has helped build a 30-project investment portfolio worth approximately $500 million for the Defense Department‘s Spectrum Access Research and Development Program in efforts to minimize risks associated with electromagnetic spectrum access
MoreA new report from the Identity Theft Resource Center says there were 6,013 reported cases of data breaches since 2005 across the government, financial services, healthcare and education sectors. The nonprofit organization collaborated
MoreRep. Randy Forbes, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s seapower subcommittee, has called for more budget for defense systems and seeks to undo the 2015 budget deal, Breaking Defense reported Friday. According
MoreThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has released a publication that describes how NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service will evaluate and procure data from commercial providers. NOAA said in a public notice posted April 8 on
MoreThe Department of Homeland Security‘s National Protections and Programs Directorate will adopt the new name of “Cyber and Infrastructure Protection” in a push to expand about its identity to its workforce and other interested