David Bray, chief information officer at the Federal Communications Commission, has said he believes that government CIOs should help their agencies’ C-level executives to understand how technology can support organizational missions, Federal News Radio reported Wednesday. Jason
MoreThe Military Health System has rescheduled the implementation of a new $4.3 billion electronic health records system previously slated for launch in December due to compatibility and technical issues discovered during early tests, Military Times
MoreFederal Chief Information Officer Gregory Touhill has described plans to launch a website that will serve as a repository for users to access cybersecurity guidance and best practices, Federal News Radio reported Tuesday. Meredith
MoreThe Ohio cities of Dublin and Marysville and Union County have received a $6 million grant from the U.S. Transportation Department to help fund the development of a smart mobility corridor designed
MoreJeanette Hanna-Ruiz, associate chief information officer for IT security and senior agency information security official at NASA, believes federal cybersecurity hiring must include efforts to tap into a diverse pool of talent, Federal
MoreTwelve senators have asked the Federal Communications Commission to investigate complaints against the state and local law enforcement agencies’ use of surveillance devices that simulate cellphone towers to gather cellphone identification and location information. Some complaints
MoreA study released by the Brookings Institution has found that the economic cost of temporary internet shutdowns that occurred in various parts of the world between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016 reached at least
MoreGen. Gustave Perna, commander of the U.S. Army Materiel Command, has said he believes additive manufacturing has potential applications in the service branchâs prepositioned stocks and depots, the Army reported Thursday. C.
MoreGeneral Motors and the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center have rolled out a hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle prototype at the annual Association of the U.S. Army meeting
MoreThe U.S. Navy has developed a mobile combat simulation platform that will allow civilian users to experience a Navy SEAL water extraction mission in a virtual environment. The service branch said Friday it will showcase the technology this month during